Sunday, May 24, 2009

Thoughts on the Ride

Blogett Peak
Had a very nice relaxing 70-mile ride on quiet Colorado country roads today. I stayed on the north end of town riding a loop through the Air Force Academy, Roller Coaster Rd, County Line Rd, and into Palmer Lake then everything in reverse. Although there were no big climbs there were lots of rollers and I still ended up with over 5,100 ft of climbing. As I was riding I started thinking about all the training I do and why I do it. Is it because of the Leadman? Is it because I’m crazy? Why would I run for five hours on Saturday then ride for another five hours on Sunday, and do hill repeats and time trials throughout the week? And all this while maintaining a full time job. The only thing I can think of is it’s what I absolutely love to do. I don’t look at it as work or training or torture at all. I just love running and riding my bike. If I could do it for a living I would. When you think about it, anyone that trains to compete in cycling or running without making a living at it has to love it. Why else would they get up hours before work for a ride, or rush in a run at lunch, or force themselves out on the bike or a run after a full day at work; for free. I can’t think of a single professional athlete that gets up extra early before training, or squeezes in time at lunch, or after a day of training, drags him or herself into a cubicle to sit in front of a computer, for free. So I don’t think I do this because of the Leadman. I think the Leadman is an excuse for me to do something I love; justification I guess. I am just so thankful that I am lucky enough to be able to do what I truly love, and that is run, ride my bike, and appreciate this incredible planet. Leadman is just icing on the cake.
Week Total:
Bike: 8.6 hrs, 128 miles
Run: 10.5 hrs, 60 miles

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